The Final “Ka-Ching” Draw

Many Happy Winners Enjoyed The Sound of Money at The Final “Ka-Ching” Draw

Many happy winners enjoyed the sound of money at the final ‘Ka-Ching’ draw held at Blackrock Casino! Blackrock Casino’s Ka-Ching promotion came to a nail-biting end on Saturday, 29 March when twelve semi-finalists were selected and received R 500 each in FreePlay – just for qualifying!

During the main draw at 20h00 in the evening, eight of the finalists were eliminated and received a consolation prize of R 2,300 in FreePlay while the four remaining finalists got another shot at the winnings by selecting a random case whichheld the main prize of R 30,000 in cash and R10,000 in FreePlay!

In total, over R90 000 in cash and FreePlay as well as numerous lucky draw prizes was given away during the evening while performer, Igal, entertained guests.  No less than R 160,000 in cash and FreePlay was given away throughout the entire promotion period which lasted just 10 short days!

For more information call +27 34 328 1777.

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